Be safe with TruckSafe
TruckSafe is a not-for-profit industry focused Chain of Responsibility (CoR) safety management system (SMS) that is aimed at improving the safety and professionalism of trucking operators across Australia.
TruckSafe is the first and only industry-led CoR safety management system.
Our vision is that everyone in the trucking industry gets home safe, every day.

What is a safety management system (SMS)?
A safety management system is a set of policies, procedures and plans that systematically manages health and safety at work and can help to minimise the risk of injury and illness from workplace operations.
Being certified to a TruckSafe SMS provides many benefits for your transport business:
Be recognised for your efforts to create, implement, and maintain your CoR SMS.
Chain of Responsibility
TruckSafe certification may assist you with meeting your requirements for Chain of Responsiblity (CoR).
Customer Confidence
Give your customers the confidence that you are conducting a safe and compliant business.
Satisfy Prime Contractor Requirements
More and more prime contractors are insisting on TruckSafe certification to assist with fulfilling their CoR obligations.
Single Vehicle Owner-Driver SMS
Are you an owner-driver with no one else driving your vehicle(s)? Our Single Vehicle Owner-Driver SMS may be for you.
SMS Resources
TruckSafe has a large array of resources to assist with creating, implementing and maintaining a CoR SMS.
Safety Management
TruckSafe is the first and only industry-led CoR Safety Management System.
The Master Code
TruckSafe may assist businesses to not only meet but exceed the requirements of the Master Code.
What best describes your type of transport business?
I own a business where I have employees with control or influence on a transport task. I might be a prime contractor and may have one or more subcontractors working for me. I might also be contracted to a prime contractor myself.
I need a full size CoR safety management system to manage risks in my organisation
I own a business where I drive my own truck and have no employees with control or influence on a transport task. I might be working for a prime contractor as a subcontractor or i may have a subcontractor that is working for me.
I need a simple owner-driver CoR safety management system to manage my risks
Our certified members
Our certified members use TruckSafe to help assist with meeting the requirements of both the RICP Master Code and Chain of Responsiblity laws through the use of an independently and externally audited Safety Management System.
Member Benefits
Being a member and becoming certified with TruckSafe is not only about being recognised as one of the safest transport business in the industry, our members and certified members also enjoy exclusive discounts from our partners.
For peace of mind always choose a TruckSafe certified member when transporting your goods.
Holding Redlich Lawyers
WHS Monitor
Pentrans Consulting
View our certified members
View our member benefits